:: Backgrounds

Here are some free (as it "doesn't cost anything") photos you can use for background images on your computer. They're all sized 1280x1024 pixels, but they should look okay scaled down to a smaller screen.

For other, smaller (and less background-worthy) images, see the photo page.

Terms of Use

You can use these images, without cost, on any number of computers you own, providing you follow these (terribly reasonable) restrictions:
  1. you don't make any changes, other than resizing
  2. you don't make any kind of hardcopy, including prints or transparencies
  3. you don't kid on to anyone that it you took it
  4. you don't distribute copies in any way, electronic or otherwise. So if someone wants a copy, send them here.

Background images

daisy background image
daffodil background image
rock background image
ficus background image
speedwell background image
usbkey background image
sky background image
lily background image
morning_glory background image

Instructions for installing a given background image on your computer

In Internet Explorer (and I think AOL)
  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. right click on the final image, and choose "Set as Background" from the menu
In Netscape 4, Netscape 6, Mozilla, and newer versions of Mozilla Firefox
  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. right click on the final image, and choose "Set as Wallpaper" from the menu
In Galeon
  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. right click on the final image, and choose "Use Image as Background" from the menu
In Opera 7
  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. right click on the final image, select "Use Image As..." and then "Desktop Background"
In Opera 8
  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. right click on the final image, select "Use image on desktop"
In Safari
I don't have access to Safari. If someone were to email me instructions on how to do this in Safari, I'd be happy to post them here.

In Konqueror, Mozilla Firebird, and older versions of Mozilla Firefox
These browsers don't (as far as I can tell) have a simple way to set the computer's background from inside the browser. So you need to:

  1. click on the image thumbnail, above, to show the full size image
  2. save the image, and then use your computer's usual way of setting the desktop background (usually you can do that by right-clicking on the desktop)

All images are Copyright © 2005 by W.Finlay McWalter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED